Category Archives: Teachers

Why I’ll Never Tell My Son He’s Smart

This article recently came across my inbox and it’s definitely worth the read.

“What if we began using whatever means are at our disposal to start performing growth mindset interventions on everyone we cared about?  It applies to how you communicate with your children, how you manage your team at work, how you learn a new language or instrument. If society as a whole begins to embrace the struggle of learning, there is no end to what that could mean for global human potential.”

Click here for the full article

Zacarro Math

The Zacarro units are perfect math anchors for the Envision Math topics.  Each Zacarro unit has teaching pages that will instruct the skill.  There are also leveled practice problems.  You can assign the levels that fit the child and/or the student can always choose
to do a harder level if he/she would like.  You can use the Zacarro Math units in the following ways:

  • Students can work on them when they are done with the classroom assignment
  • They could be used as a station in guided math
  • They could serve as lessons for the highest group when working with the teacher

There should be one Zacarro binder in grades 4, 5, and 6 at each elementary school.  If you are unable to locate the binder, please contact your EY coordinator.

4th Grade Envision Math topic alignment to Zacarro units

5th Grade Envision Math topic alignment to Zacarro units

6th Grade Envision Math topic alignment to Zacarro units


Type I Enrichment Experiences

We are excited to partner with you in providing Type I enrichment experiences for the students at Westside Community Schools.  For the months of August and September, your name will be entered into a drawing for a gift card for each Type I enrichment experience you email to us.  If you’re not sure what a Type I enrichment experience is, you can check out our wiki for some examples.  We look forward to sharing your ideas!

Click here for the Type I Enrichment Experiences Wiki