
The EY Team at Westside Community Schools provides a variety of enrichment and gifted services for all students.  One of our favorite resources to ignite students’ passions is to have them earn badges.  Click here to check out all our badges!
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The EY Team
  • Mrs. Henningsen: Coordinator at Swanson, Prairie Lane, Sunset Hills & Rockbrook
  • Dr. Spady: Coordinator at Westgate, Loveland,  Paddock & Math 7 Honors Coordinator
  • Mrs. Sindt: Coordinator at Westbrook, Oakdale, Hillside, Rockbrook & Personalized Learning Collaborator
  • Ms. Job: Coordinator at WMS and WHS


27 thoughts on “Welcome!

  1. I’ve very proud of all the hard work my students are putting towards battle of the books!
    This Wiki is amazing! Thanks for offering all the support and for motivating my students!
    Ms. K

  2. The Westside Excellence In Youth site for students is an excellent way to engage, motivate, enrich, and challenge a variety of learners. High ability learners have the opportunity to take the opportunities further and faster. Kudos to all on the Excellence In Youth team of instructors.
    John Thomsen, ESU #3

    1. Thanks for making this website and helping us learn about math games KENKEN and sports reading and much much more learning.???

  3. This EY site gives lots of challenges and different opportunities for me and things that I can do at school and at home.

  4. The coding seminar was great you planned it really well and made it really easy and fun to earn the badges. Thanks for enjoyable day!

  5. $9.00 isn’t that much! If I were to start my own business, I would be able to work on my own for a while and later hire someone to work for me.

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