Category Archives: Other Events & Contests

2024 Junior Library Guild Bookmark Contest: Due May 13

2024 JLG Bookmark Contest

The National Library Week theme for 2024 is “Ready, Set, Library!” and from now until May 13, readers are encouraged to submit their very own JLG bookmark design!  Click here to learn more about the contest.


  1.  All designs must be submitted by an adult (librarian, media specialist, teacher, etc.) to be considered
  2. Each bookmark must depict a JLG Selection (past, present, or upcoming titles)
  3. Only one entry per reader
  4. ANY reader can submit an entry, even if their library is not subscribed to JLG 

Contest Winners

One winner will be chosen from each age group: elementary, middle, and high school.  The winning libraries will receive a $250 JLG backlist credit and have their winning design professionally printed on bookmarks for their entire school! Winning libraries will be contacted via email in May.

Calling All Doodlers! Contest Closes March 14th, 2024

It’s time to start sketching, because this year’s Doodle 4 Google contest is open!

Doodles are the fun, surprising, and sometimes spontaneous changes that are made to the Google logo to celebrate holidays, anniversaries, and the lives of famous artists, pioneers, and scientists.

K-12 students are invited to bring their imagination to life in a doodle of the Google logo, using any medium they choose.

Check out the contest page to see past winners and to get some ideas! Start working on some sketches.

All information can be found  @

EY Badge link 


Spooky Sagas-Creative Writing Contest

Spooky Sagas 2023 | Creative Writing Contest

Due date Nov 1, 2023
There is nothing better than reading a thrilling story, one that grips you so tightly and puts your senses on alert simply through the power of words. Spooky Sagas is a fantastic way to practice writing in this way by using tension, suspense, and atmosphere.
Write a mini saga (a story told in up to 100 words) can be funny or creepy, scary or odd, but must be your own work.
Read the student info page for more ideas.

The contest closes on Nov 1. If you would like help with your submission, make sure to get your story to the EY teacher in your building before this date.
Student Planning Sheet

Essay Contest: Celebrate “Stars and Stripes Forever”

Attention 5th-8th Graders

On May 14, 1897, John Philip Sousa played his new march,

“The Stars and Stripes Forever.”

This song would become the national march of the United States on December 11, 1987.

Essay Contest:  Imagine it is 1897 and you are a newspaper reporter for The Philadelphia Times. Your newspaper editor has asked you to write an article about the new song performed that day. Your article needs to tell about Sousa’s life and the story behind the song. It is the first performance of the song, so make sure your article includes thoughts about the music and how the audience reacts to what was seen and heard that day.

Title of Essay: The Stars and Stripes Forever

Subtitle (optional)

Length:  Grade 5: 300-600 words and Grades 6-8: 600-1000 words

Entry Deadline: December 15, 2023

Type your essay in Google Docs and share it with your EY Coordinator so they can help you with formatting/submission of your essay.

Social Studies Spark #51: Ancient Adventures Creative Writing Project

Which era or person will get your creativity flowing? Watch the video above and get  inspired to write with history!
Take the excitement of history and mix it with your imagination to create ancient adventures!
You can pick any person, place or event from history to inspire your mini-saga, a story told in just 100 words that must have a beginning, a middle & an ending. It MUST be original! You can be inspired by other stories, but your mini-saga must be written in your own words. HERE are some examples of other students’ mini-sagas! Go check them out!
From discovering a pharaoh’s tomb, or a soldier in the trenches, to being a president or an explorer it’s a great way to tie in creative writing with history to have a bit of fun, and to create an original short story.
Use THIS LINK to download a graphic organizer to help you get started!
We can’t wait to read your stories!

Crazy Creatures Writing Contest!

Watch the video above & get excited to participate in the Crazy Creatures Writing Contest! All students in grades K – 6 can participate!
To enter this contest, you must write a MINI-SAGA featuring a crazy creature! What is a mini-saga? A mini-saga is a story told in UP TO 100 words that must have a beginning, a middle & an ending. It MUST be original! You can be inspired by other stories, but your mini-saga must be written in your own words.
Write your mini-saga on GOOGLE DOCS and then share it with your school’s EY teacher. Share your doc by MONDAY, DECEMBER 19TH!!
Use THIS LINK to download a graphic organizer to help you get started!
Here’s a WORD BANK that might help you, too!
Click HERE for more information!  GOOD LUCK!

The Scholastic (Try Your) Hardest Math Problem Contest!! Grades 5 – 8!

The 2022 Contest is now OPEN!


The Hardest Math Problem Student Contest is an annual competition presented by Scholastic, The Actuarial Foundation, and the New York Life Foundation that challenges grades 6–8 students to solve multistep, grade-appropriate math problems with real-world situations and engaging characters. Plus, 5th graders are eligible to participate by reaching to a higher grade level! This year’s theme is food access.

Enter Challenge 1! – Click HERE to download the entry packet!

Challenge #1 is due on or before December 5th!

Puzzle It Out!

Writing a Math Argument

Practice, practice, practice explaining clear math reasoning so you can show other people how you found your solution!

Why is this important? Many people use math in
their jobs. For example, an actuary uses complicated
math to help businesses make decisions, so they
have to be able to clearly explain their calculations
to people who aren’t math experts.

Click HERE to practice your math arguments!

Click HERE & scroll all the way to the bottom to view past questions & answer keys!

**Turn your completed entry form into your EY teacher at your school on or before December 5th!**