Social Studies Mini-Spark # 19: People and Places

What words would you use to describe Nebraska?  What about a famous Nebraskan like Buffalo Bill?  This Social Studies Enrichment post has you digging into Nebraska history and writing about our great state.

Step 1:  Research Nebraska Facts & Famous People

Step 2:  Write a poem

  • Acrostic: The first letter of each line begins with a letter of the person’s name. The lines consist of words or phrases describing the person’s characteristics.
  • Diamante: A diamond-shaped poem using this formula:
    • person’s name
      two adjectives to describe the person
      three “ing” words related to the subject
      four nouns that describe the person
      three verbs that tell how the person acted or felt
      two adjectives to describe the person
      person’s last name
  • Your Choice:  Choose another poem format

Share your writing with the EY Coordinator at your building.

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