It’s never too early to start practicing for the Geography Bee! Check out the resources below and get started!
1. Click on the link to take a daily Geo Bee Quiz:
2. We have access for the next 30 days (from Nov. 10-Dec. 10) to a website which contains several resources. Scroll down to the “Books” section and look for “How to Ace the National Geographic Bee Official Study Guide,” and the “Nat Geo Wild Animal Atlas: Earth’s Astonishing Animals and Where They Live.”
2. Are you a Geo Genius? Try to answer these questions.
3. There’s an app for that! If you are interested in having a Geo Bee app on your iPad, let the EY coordinator in your building know and we will do our best to get it installed on your iPad.
4. Stack the Countries and Stack the States are free apps that you can download on your iPad.