#34: The San Diego Zoo

The San Diego Zoo is a beautiful 100-acre wildlife park that is home to more than 12,000 rare and endangered animals representing over 680 species and subspecies.

Spark your thinking!

1. Set up your social studies mini spark recording page: #34: The San Diego Zoo

OPTIONAL: Print this recording page to use for this mini spark

2. Do you know where San Diego, California is? It’s waaaaaaay at the bottom of California – check it out on the map. On your recording page, write 5 facts that you found while looking at the map.

3. Divide your recording page into 3 sections. Choose 3 letters of the the alphabet and label each section with one of the letters you picked.

4. San Diego has an incredible zoo. You can meet and learn about just about any animal from A-Z at their website! Visit the San Diego Zoo!  For each letter that you picked, research an animal that starts with that letter. For each animal record five to ten facts.

5. Share your social studies mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.

Check out Save the Animals or Roaring Keynote at the EY website.




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