Week 3

Wow!  Even though it was a short week, we were able to accomplish many things in EY.  First of all, I made some changes to my schedule so I can better meet the needs of students in my three buildings, as well as free up some time for administrative tasks. I thank the students and classroom teachers for their flexibility.  Second, we were able to finalize plans for the “Strategy Seminar” on September 20, so please look for that letter to arrive today or tomorrow in the mail.  Third, all students were given their Wordly Wise answer booklets and a copy of Lesson 1.  Each lesson has 5 components and we talked about strategies for completing the work.  If you have the chance, ask your child to show you Lesson 1 so you can become familiar with what they are working on.  Although we didn’t spend time going over it in detail, I reminded students to post to the Discussion Board and Journal area in Blackboard.  Lastly, we continued working on our “Strategy Booklet” highlighting the strategies of “Make an Organized List” and “Act it Out”.

Fourth and Fifth graders at Westbrook and Hillside acted out folding paper to see if there was a maximum number of folds possible.  We tried several different types of paper and “concluded”  that 7 was the maximum number of folds.  We then watch a MythBusters video which you’ll have to watch and see…Was the 7-fold myth busted?

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Fourth grade students at Westgate and sixth grade students at Westbrook and Hillside were presented with a job opportunity this week.  They could choose between babysitting, lawn mowing, or creating comic books.  They also chose between 3 different payment options.

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Next students made an organized list by entering information into Numbers (a spreadsheet program) and learned about the fill feature and formulas.  We even talked a little about programming.  See if your child can explain the following formulas:



Ask your child about which job and payment plan they chose.

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I think that’s it for this week!  I’m looking forward to a weekend of football and relaxing!  How about you?  Please leave a comment and tell me about your plans.

2 thoughts on “Week 3

  1. I missed the weekend to add but we did the same…Football and playing outside. Scooters and feeding some geese! Thanks for all you are doing. Westgate is loving it!

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