#50: Fibonacci Numbers

1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144

What do these numbers have in common? What pattern do you see? These numbers are a part of what is known as the fibonacci numbers. Fibonacci numbers are found by adding the two previous numbers. So the number after 144 would be 233.

How can you spend your Math Minutes this week?

  • Read about the fibonacci numbers here. Read the about first three sections at least, you can read further on if you want.
  • Get graph paper and make a spiral using a fibonacci sequence, read through the previous link for reference.
  • These numbers can be found in nature. Can you think of other real life examples of fibonacci numbers?
  • Post a comment sharing something new you learned.  When posting a comment, use your first name, grade, and school (i.e. Tyler, 5, Sunset).  Do not publish your email.

*Inspired by a video by Vi Hart

24 thoughts on “#50: Fibonacci Numbers

  1. Fibonacci numbers can be found in nature. For example: flower petals. It’s common to see a daisy with 13,21,34,55 or 81 petals.

  2. I learned that all around nature ther are Fibonacci numbers everywhere like in the petals of flowers.

  3. Okay, so, I never knew about these “Fibonacci” numbers. I find it very interesting that you can add the two numbers before the third and the first to equal the third. The one thing is, is it only these numbers or is the line infinite?

  4. I learned that fibbonacci numbers are numbers that start with 1, and 1. And you and them together and that makes two so then there would be 2 ( cause that’s the answer and then there would be a 3 and then a 5 8 13…… Ect.

  5. I learned that a Fibonacci is a line of numbers which is being added up. Two numbers that are by each other are added and the next would be that answer. The numbers get bigger as the line continues. Ex: 3,5,8,13,21

  6. I learned that the Fibonacci pattern is when you add the 2 numbers before it to get your next number.

  7. I never understanded what a Fibonacci was, but hey now I do and they’re really simple now.

  8. I learned that every Nov. 23 is Fibonacci day because it has the digits 1,1,2,3 which is the beginning of Fibonacci.

  9. I never knew you can make spirals out of numbers! I showed my friends the pattern, and they thought it was awesome!

  10. It goes like this 1+0=1 is so you plus the number you add with your answer so the next one would be 1+1=2 then 1+2=3 and 2+3=5 and it keeps on going on and on and on

  11. I looked at the numbers and noticed that two numbers like 5 and 8 added and then 13 and 8 added and got the next number , 21 .

  12. I learned how to make a mathematically perfect spiral as well as learning how Fibbonaci numbers appear in nature.

  13. The pattern goes 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,233,377,610,987,1597,2584,4181,6765,10946,17711,
    28657,36368 and so on….

  14. I did the Fibonacci sequence math minute and I wanted to share my thoughts about it. Well to start off I didn’t even no what the Fibonacci sequence was before I did this Math Minute Challange. I learned that the Fibonacci sequence is a series of numbers that have a unique pattern. You might be wondering what the pattern is, well it kind of looks like this: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5,…..To find the next number in the sequence you simply just have to add the 2 numbers behind the unknown number so for example to find the next number in this sequence: 0,1,1,2,3,5, ? you just have to add the 2 numbers behind the question mark. So do 3+5=8, there for the next number in the Sequence in is 8.
    I also learned a lot of other facts but this just the basic. Thanks for the oppurtunity

  15. Fibonacci numbers are kind of tricky to understand, so I tried to get as many as I could after watching all of the videos and reading everything I could, and I got to 47 Fibonacci numbers!!

  16. I leaned that Fibonacci numbers appear in nature all the time like pinecones, flowers and pineapples and the layers mostly add up to Fibonacci numbers.

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