All posts by Jenny Henningsen

#27: Explore Elements

The periodic table has been on quite the adventure for over 150 years, like a superhero collecting elements! Now, with 118 different elements, it’s like the ultimate science party where every element has its own dance move. Who knew chemistry could be this much fun?

1. Set up your science mini spark recording page: #15: Explore Elements

2. TED Ed joined forces with the people at Periodic Videos to bring us the what-is-what on each element of the periodic table. Watch this video about hydrogen. Record 5-10 details about hydrogen on your recording page.

3. Choose a new element from this playlist. Watch the video, and on your recording page make a fact page about the element with at least 10 pieces of information.

4. Share your science mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.


#25: How Do Lungs Work?

How do we accomplish this crucial and complex task without even thinking about it?  Let’s learn about these hard working organs.

Spark your thinking!

1. Set up your science mini spark recording page: #25: How Do Lungs Work?

2. Watch this TED-Ed lesson which takes us into the lungs to investigate how they help keep us alive. Record at least 5 details from the video on your recording sheet.


3. Your lungs make up one of the largest organs in your body, and they work with your respiratory system to allow you to take in fresh air, get rid of stale air, and even talk. Take a tour of the lungs by reading this article. Record 5 vocabulary words with definitions.

4. Choose one of these prompts and respond with 3-5 sentences

  • Why do you think the body’s cells need oxygen?
  • Why is it better that the lungs are spongy rather than empty like a balloon?
  • How do you think your breathing and lungs adapt when you’re exercising?

5. OPTIONAL: Lungs are important for breathing, but also for talking. Do research to find out how your lungs allow you to talk. Create a visual explaining how this process works. Include as many details as possible.

6. Share your science mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.

#100: Checkerboard Math

Count all the squares on the checkerboard- This is a classic problem you will look at how to solve it using drawings, using patterns, solving a simpler problem, and also how to solve variations of this type of problem that may pop up on math contests.

Spark your math thinking!

1. Set up your math mini spark recording page: #100: Checkerboard Math

2. Print a  paper copy of a checkerboard.

3. Count all the squares on the checkerboard. Start watching this video. Pause it at 23 seconds. Use your paper copy of the board to help you. Record your answers on your mini spark recording sheet

Hint:  1 X 1 = 64        2 X 2=              3 X 3=

4. When you have a solution click  to watch the rest of the video to see if you have recorded that correct numbers.

5. Solve this second problem written by CEMC math. Print this board to help you. Record your answers on your mini spark recording sheet. Reminder for your teacher that the solution can be found in the math mini spark folder. 

6.  Share your math mini spark recording page and boards with your teacher/EY coordinator.

You can use step #5 as one of your problems for the Problem of the Week CEMC Math badge that can be found on the EY badge page.



#34: Animal Robots

While the word “robot” can conjure up an image of a cyborg human with lights for eyes and super powers, animal-inspired robots are accomplishing tasks in all kinds of medical, military and rescue work. These anibots perform tasks that would be difficult and often dangerous for mere mortals, or even human droids, to accomplish

Spark your thinking!

1. Set up your STEAM mini spark recording page: #34: Animal Robots

2.   Pneupard is a robot that is designed to be agile and fast like cheetahs and other cats. Pneupard has artificial muscles made from rubber tubing that are covered in nylon and filled with air. The pneumatic muscles have lifelike skills that allow the bot to replicate the range of motion and strength of a real cat!

3. On your recording sheet define Pneupard.

4. Watch this video about Pneupard. Record 5 details from the video on your recording page.

5. Answer the following questions.

  • How are these engineers using robots to learn about nature?
  • Why are cheetah’s ultra complex to recreate?
  • What did the engineers learn when the were in the park
  • What animal would you choose to recreate as a robot? What part or parts of this animal would be ultra complex to recreate?

6. One modern robot flier is called ornithopter. Ornithopter looks and flies much like a real bird. One sweet little ornithopter is used as a nano-spybot, equipped with a tiny camera.

7. On your recording sheet define ornithopter.

8. Watch this video about Ornithopter and write a summary of the video on your recording page.

9. On your recording page, answer these questions.

  • What materials are used to make this robot?
  • What other material come to mind that might work?
  • Have you ever seen a servo motor? If not where else might it be used? If you have seen one, what was its purpose?
  • What is visually interesting to you about this robot? What woud you change?

10. Share your STEAM mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.

#30: Make Slime

 Slime is a fun way to study science. Check out this mini spark to learn about the science behind slime. Then check out the Slime Science badge to make your own slime.

Spark your thinking!

1. Set up your STEAM mini spark recording page: #30: Make Slime

2. Watch this video about making slime.  Take notes on your recording sheet while you watch.

3. Using the information from the video, create a quiz for other kids to play. You can use kahoot or google slides. Include at least 10 questions and include the answers as well.

4. Share your STEAM mini spark recording page and your slime quiz with your teacher/EY coordinator.

Make slime using the Slime Science Badge at the EY Website.

#29: Bitsbox-Code an App

In this STEAM mini spark you will learn how to sign in to Bitsbox and how to code your own apps. You will learn about the text and stamp commands, as well as how to work with coordinates.

Spark your thinking!

1. Set up your STEAM mini spark recording page:#29: Bitsbox-Code an App

2. Watch this intro video.  On your recording page, record 5 new things you learned about coding.

3. Bitsbox is an online resource. Click this link to get to bitsbox.

4.  Click the sign in with google button to get to your tablet.

5. Go back to the video from step 2 and code “snacks, please”.  You do not need to sign up with your email like he does in the video since you are already logged in with google.

6. After you finish the app, you can modify it with your own stamp, text, and colors.

7. Take a picture of your code and add it to your recording sheet

8. Click this link to get to a few free coding projects provided by Bitsbox. If you would like, you can print them out.

9. Code 3 of the projects. Take a screenshot of your code and add it to your recording page.

10. Share your STEAM mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.

#28: Rocket Launcher

National STEAM day is celebrated on November 8, but you can create STEAM all year long! Check out this rocket launcher experiment that you can do to celebrate the national day dedicated to Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math.

Spark your thinking!

1. Set up your STEAM mini spark recording page: #28: Rocket Launcher

2. Watch this video. Write down the materials you will need on your recording page

3. Collect the materials you need. Contact the EY coordinator in your building via email if you need help with this step. Add a picture of of your supplies to your recording page.

4. Go back to step 2 and rewatch this video while you are working.

4. Take pictures from your experiment and add them to your recording page.

5. Take a video of your rocket launcher.

6. On your recording page, create a one paragraph summary about your project.

7. Share your STEAM mini spark recording page and your video with your teacher/EY coordinator.

Check out the DIY superstar badge on the EY website

Post adapted from

#37: Create Your Own National Day

Did you know that November 3rd is national sandwich day, December 7th is national letter writing day. and January  7th is national bobblehead day?

Spark your thinking!

1. Set up your language arts mini spark recording page: #37: Create Your Own National Day

2. Research each these days. On your recording sheet, write about the day, its history, and how it is celebrated.

National Sandwich Day

National Letter Writing Day

National Bobblehead Day

3. What day do feel deserves to add to the list of national celebrations? Pickle day?  It’s observed on November 15. How about National fuzzy sock day? Wear your cozy socks and keep your feet toasty warm all day long. People celebrate it on December 21st!  Do some research and find 5 more funny days that are National days.

4. What would be a day that you would LOVE to celebrate? Start brainstorming to think of a special day. When you have a list of several choices, do research to find one that is not already observed.

5. When you find one that can be your very own, create your own informational apple clip project (or app of your choice) about your day.

Include this information:

The name of your day and 5-10 facts about your topic.

Why it is important enough to be a national day?

How people can celebrate this day?

Add color and illustrations to your clips.

6. Share your language arts mini spark recording page and project with your teacher/EY coordinator.

Early Enrichment #38 Create your own National Day

Did you know that November 3rd

is national sandwich day?

December 7th is national letter writing day,  and January  7th is national bobblehead day.

Click on the red link for each these days and write a few sentence telling us about each


What day do feel deserves to add to the list of national celebrations?

Pickle day? It’s observed on November 15.

How about National fuzzy sock day? It’s a day people celebrate it on December 21st!

What would be a day that you would LOVE to celebrate? Start brainstorming. Create a list of 10 days that you would enjoy having as special days on the calendar.

After you create your list, choose your very favorite day. Create your own informational apple clip project about your day.

Include this information:

The name of your day

3-5 facts about your topic

How we can celebrate this day?

Why it is important enough to be a national day?

Add color and illustrations to your clips.

EXTRA: Do research to find out if your day is already celebrated. If so, add that date to your clip project.

Share your project with your teacher or the EY coordinator in your building.






#54: Multiplication Tricks

Multiplication. It is one of the four types of operations you learned in math (along with addition subtraction and division). There are many different ways to multiply numbers. However, sometimes, multiplying really big numbers can be a challenge. Luckily, there are many different techniques you can use to solve large multiplication problems.

Spark your math thinking!

  1. Set up your math mini spark recording page: #54: Multiplication Tricks
  2. Watch this video about multiplying using lines. Take some notes as you watch to track the process.

3. Print out (or have your teacher print out) this worksheet. Use the method in the video to come up with answers to multiplication problems. You can check your answers on the second page of the worksheet.

4. If you feel comfortable with those problems and want to try multiplying bigger numbers, then print out this worksheet.

5. Share your math mini spark recording page and Explain EDU project with your teacher/EY coordinator.

*Lesson inspired by multiplication lessons from East Asian schools