#22: Paint ‘n’ Play


1. Set up your STEAM mini spark recording page: #47: STEAM Challenge:#22: Paint ‘n’ Play

2.  Go to each link below and study the artist’s page. Record the title of the art wo, the artist’s name, and at least 3-5 details. Click on “Image Description” for more information about the art.

3. Go to Paint ‘n’ Play hosted by the National Gallery of Art in Washington D.C.  They recommend playing on a computer or tablet that is rotated to landscape mode.

4. Here you can create your own art. Each of the artists you studied above has a canvas where you can digitally paint, modeling their style, color pallet, and brush technique.

5. Explore each one for a few minutes. Click on the rooster on each of the pages and record the quote on your recording page.

6. Chose one artist. Practice creating your own piece in the same style.

7. Take a screenshot of you project and add it to your recording page. Give it a title.

8. Share your STEAM mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.





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