Category Archives: Full STEAM Ahead

#60: Steam Challenge: Newspaper

Are you ready for a fun NEWSPAPER building challenge? Grab some newspaper and tape, and let’s get started! With just these two materials, you can create amazing structures.

Spark your thinking!

1. Set up your STEAM mini spark recording page: #60: Steam Challenge: Newspaper

2. Look over the three options for your STEAM challenge.

Challenge # 1:  Build a freestanding tower with only 2 sheets of newspaper and 12 inches of tape. No wedging or taping to the table or floor! You can manipulate the newspaper in any way you wish.

Challenge #2: Using 10 sheets of newspaper and 18 inches of tape, build a tower that holds a textbook 6 inches above the table for at least 3 seconds. The tower must be free-standing, which means no taping or holding to the table.

Challenge #3:  Use 3 large sheets of newspaper and 24 inches of tape to make a piece of clothing that you can wear.

3. Decide what challenge you are going to do and record in on your recording sheet. Record all of the materials you will need.

4. Make a sketch of what your structure will look like and any ideas that you have. Add a picture to your recording page.

3.Gather the materials you will need. Ask an adult to help you find a newspaper if necessary.

4.  Take a picture of your supplies before you start. Add the picture to your recording sheet.

5. Take a picture of you final project at add it to your recording sheet. Write about what you did well on this challenge and where you can improve.

6. Share your STEAM mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.


#59: tiny football

Make a tiny a football game with goal posts that you can play with your friends. Materials needed for your game: One piece of paper!

Spark your learning!

1. Set up your STEAM mini spark recording page:#59: Football STEAM.

2. Watch the video to see the game and how it works. Record the materials you will need on your recording page.

3. On your recording page write these items:

  • the rules explained clearly
  • what you will use for a playing surface
  • how to keep score
  • how to keep track of how to win (time or the first one to so many points)
  • the rules of the goal posts. For example, wrists need to be on the table when making the goalpost.
  • Rewatch the video to find any of this information if needed

4. Use a piece of paper to make your football. You can decorate it if you want. Add a picture of your football to your recording sheet.

Starting at step 5, you need to have permission from your teacher to play the game. You will need to play the game at least 2 times so you can make modifications to the rules/set up/ and so on. Talk with your teacher about options. You can also set up your game at home.

5. Play one time. Record the scores on our recording sheet for each game. Figure out what adjustments need to be made. Record these on your recording sheet.

6. Play the game again and see if you changes made the game run more smoothly. Make a few more notes on your recording sheet to document how your changes impacted the game.

7. Share your STEAM mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.

#58: Burj Khalifa

Explore the engineering innovations that made the construction of Burj Khalifa, the world’s tallest skyscraper, possible. Notably, it stands at a height of 828 meters (2,717 feet) and features a unique Y-shaped design that enhances stability and reduces wind forces.

Spark your thinking!

1. Set up your STEAM mini spark recording page: #39: Tallest Buildings

2. Watch this video and record details on your recording page.

3. For this STEAM mini spark please choose 5 of the following questions to answer on your recording page. Please use 2-3 sentences for your responses. Remind your teacher that the answer key is in the STEAM mini spark folder.

  1. Describe the main challenge architects faced by the end of the 20th century when designing skyscrapers.
  2. What innovative material helped buildings to shed weight and reach new heights in the early 20th century?
  3. Explain the concept of tubular design introduced by Fazlur Rahman Khan and its significance in skyscraper construction.
  4. How did the buttressed core design contribute to the stability of the Burj Khalifa?
  5. What design feature of the Burj Khalifa helps to minimize the impact of strong winds?
  6. Discuss the human cost associated with the construction of the Burj Khalifa as mentioned in the video.
  7. Why was the construction of the Burj Khalifa completed in a short period of five years considered significant?
  8. What are some of the criticisms faced by the United Arab Emirates regarding worker protection laws after the Burj Khalifa’s completion?
  9. In what way did the design of the Burj Khalifa differ from traditional skyscraper designs?
  10. Reflect on the importance of prioritizing workers’ rights in future construction projects. Why is this significant?

4. Share your STEAM mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.

#57: Ice Ice Baby!

Explore a frozen castles, frozen caves, and frozen music in this STEAM mini spark.

Spark your thinking!

1. Set up your STEAM mini spark recording page: #57: Ice Ice Baby!

2. Complete a 3-2-1 for the video Building Frozen Castles with the Master of Ice

3 new things you learned

2 things you wonder

1 question you have

3. Complete a 3-2-1 for the video This Chinese Ice Cave Never Thaws

3 new things you learned

2 things you wonder

1 question you have

4. Complete a 3-2-1 for the video BAIKAL ICE live sound

3 new things you learned

2 things you wonder

1 question you have

5. Share your STEAM mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.

#56: Code a Trick or Treat Game

Code a spooky game for others to play. Follow the tutorial instructions to make a simple game. Customize your game to make it your very own.

Spark your thinking!

1. Set up your STEAM mini spark recording page: #56: Code a Trick or Treat Game.

2. Watch this video that show how to code this project in scratch junior.

3.  Now you are going to design your own game.

4. Decide if you want to do a trick or treat theme, or use this same idea, but with your own designs.

5. Please have at least 3 items coded in your final project.  Example: the pumpkin the first candy, the second candy.

6. On your recording page, write what project you are going to create.

7. Code your project. If you want to make a split screen, and run the video again as a guide that is an option.

8. Take a screenshot of the blocks for each of your items. Add this to your recording page.

9.  Share your STEAM mini spark recording page and you finished project with your teacher/EY coordinator.

Check out the Scratch Jr coding badge at the EY website.

#55: Fold a Flying Bat

Paper airplanes are pieces of art. Watch this video showing a paper airplane that has flapping wings like a bat. After watching, try to make one of your own.

Spark your thinking!

1. Set up your STEAM mini spark recording page: #55: Make a Flying Bat

2. Watch this video about bats. Record 5 details on your recording page.

3. See how researchers are learning more about how bat wings work. Add a few notes to your recording page.

4. For the next step you will need a  few pieces of printer paper (8.5 X 11)

5. Watch this video. The teacher will show you all of the steps for folding your own paper bat. Be patient as any type of paper folding takes some practice. Tip-use a ruler to help you make the creases so they are very crisp.

6. Take a picture of your finished bat and add it to your recording page.

Steps 7 and 8 require teacher permission. Talk with your teacher before proceeding.

7. Try out your paper bat.  Find a space where you will have enough room.

8.  If you are happy with the results, add a few sentences explaining your project.

9. If you would like to go back to the video and try to build a second bat, please do so.

10. Share your STEAM mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.

#54: Bitsbox-Make your Own Stamp

Spark your thinking! 

1. Set up your STEAM mini spark recording page:#54: Bitsbox-Make your Own Stamp

2. Read the Website Directions for coding challenge:  Creating your own stamp in Bitsbox

3. Watch the video directions for this coding challenge


4. Step 2 gave the information in a written format and step 3 had you watch a video. On your recording sheet, write 3-4 sentence about how you like to get information

5. Log into Bitsbox.

6. Make 3 of your own stamps. Add a picture of your stamps to your recording page.

7. Share your STEAM mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.

#53: STEAM Challenge: Mystery Bag

Looking for a really fun STEM challenge that you can  This mystery bag STEAM design challenge is a blast!

Spark your thinking!

1. Set up your STEAM mini spark recording page: #53: STEAM Challenge: Mystery Bag

2. In this design activity, you will use a bag of mystery materials (an assortment of recyclables and other random items) and then a challenge card stating a building challenge to do with those materials. Then you use those “mystery” materials to complete the challenge. After lookings over the steps, ask your EY teacher if you need help gathering supplies. 

3. Gather materials

  • One bag (you can use gift bags, lunch bags, grocery bags, or even large baggies.)
  • Scissors
  • Tape (scotch tape or masking tape)
  • Various kinds of recyclables (cardboard tubes, cardboard, newspaper, aluminum foil)
  • A variety of other materials (paper plates, plastic cups, string, yarn, pipe cleaners)
  • Mystery Bag Challenge Cards (print and cut these if you can)

4.  Fill Your Bag (Tip: it’s more challenging if a sibling or parent fills your bag). Place about 8-12 items into the bag. You’ll want to be sure the items are varied. Each bag should contain at least one larger item that can serve as a base for the design, and then an assortment of smaller items.

5.  Print out the free mystery bag challenge cards. Cut them apart.

6. Pick a challenge card. You could put the cards in a container to draw from or place face down on a table. Record your challenge on your recording page. You could also take a picture of the challenge and add it to your page.

7. Complete the challenge on the card using only the materials in your bag.

8. Take a picture of your challenge and add it to your recording page.

9. Write about what was easy about the challenge and what was hard.

10.  Share your STEAM mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.

Use this project as your first project mystery bag design challenge badge from theEY website.







#52: Cargo Bot Coding

Cargo Bot is puzzle game for iPad designed to introduce programming concepts. In this game, players control a robotic arm to relocate crates to a specified area, aiming to accomplish this in the fewest moves possible. There are five levels of difficulty: Easy, Medium, Hard, Crazy, and Impossible.

Spark your thinking!

1. Set up your STEAM mini spark recording page: #52: Cargo Bot Coding

2. Watch this video until you get to 1:25. Record what the lesson was about on your recording page.


3. Learn about loops starting at 1:26. Record information on your recording page.

4. Go to Mosyle and add the Cargo Bot app to your ipad.

5. Spend 15 minutes coding. After the 15 minutes are up, record where you ended up on your recording page or add a screenshot to your page.

6. Share your STEAM mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.

#51: Scientific Calculator Lesson

You will use your scientific calculator in science and math classes in middle school and high school. Work on this STEAM mini spark to learn how to use this tool.

Spark your thinking!

1. Set up your STEAM mini spark recording page:  #51: Scientific Calculator Lesson

2. Find a scientific calculator to use for this mini spark. If you don’t have one you can use an online one. Type “Scientific Calculator” and one will come up for you.

3. Print this reminder sheet or open it up.  This is an image of a graphing calculator, but most of the buttons will be the same on a scientific calculator. Record all of the words and what they do on your recording sheet.

4. Watch this video. Take note on your recording page and try out the different keys she discusses on your own calculator while you watch.

5. Write down any of the common mistakes that the teacher discusses in the video.

6.  Explain to another student how to find the square root, take a number to the 3rd power, and how to write a number in scientific notation.

7. Remember to ask your teacher before using a calculator on an assignment. There are times when it is ok to use a calculator, and times when your teacher wants you to practice the math skills.

8. Share your STEAM mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.