#24: Adjective Form Poem

Build your writing skills by studying adjectives and creating poetry.

Spark your thinking!

1. Set up your language arts mini spark recording page: #24: Adjective Form Poem

2. Print this handout. You will use it for this mini spark.

3. Listen to this book. When you are done record 10 adjectives the describe apples. The list should includes words that describe how the apples look, smell, feel and taste.

4.  Look at the following poem  by Terry Henkelman.  Review the words in the poem and notice out how each one is a synonym for the adjective funny.

So amusing
So comical
So humorous
So mirthful
So laughable
Sooo… funny

5.  An online thesaurus will be helpful for step 6.

6. Use the handout  you printed from step 2 and write a 2 form poems for Apples and follow the instructions on the handout. If you want to type it on your recording sheet instead you can.

7.  Watch this video. Select 10 adjectives from the book and list them on your recording sheet.

8. Keep practicing writing form poems. Select two adjectives from the list to begin additional poems on the Form Poem Handout. Use the online thesaurus if needed.

9. Share your language arts mini spark recording page and handout with your teacher/EY coordinator.

redgreenroundshinywaxybruisedripespeckledspotted, smooth


Lesson adapted from Read, Write, Think

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