Dive into the depths of the Pacific Ocean to observe the hunting skills of sea lions and discover how climate change is impacting their habitat.
Spark your thinking!
1. Set up your science mini spark recording page: #30: Sea Lion Study
2. Watch this TED ED video. Record all of the number facts that are in the video.
3. Number your recording sheet from 1-5. Answer each question
1. What is the average speed at which sea lions can swim?
a. 2 to 10 miles an hour
b. 4 to 18 miles an hour
c. 15 to 25 miles an hour
d. 20 to 30 miles an hour
2. How deep can some species of sea lions dive?
a. 100 meters
b. 200 meters
c. 300 meters
d. Nearly 400 meters
3. What special adaptation do sea lions have in their eyes?
a. They have two lenses
b. Their pupils can expand to let in more light
c. They can see in complete darkness
d. Their eyes can change color
4. What is the main danger to sea lions mentioned in the video?
a. Overfishing
b. Climate change and toxic algae
c. Habitat destruction
d. Pollution
5. How do sea lions use their whiskers to hunt?
a. They can sense vibrations in the water
b. They help them swim faster
c. They allow sea lions to camouflage
d. They enable sea lions to see in the dark
4. Scroll to the bottom of this post to check your answers. Write your score on your recording sheet.
5. Write 5 of your own multiple choice questions and make an answer key.
6. Share your science mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.
- b (0:29)
- d (0:53)
- b (1:56)
- b (3:35)
- a (2:40)
what does “number facts” mean? Are we supposed to number them?
This means any facts about Sea Lions that involve numbers.
Where are the “number facts”
As you watch the video, several numbers are mentioned throughout the video. For example, at 0:50 in the video, it says that sea lions hunt much deeper than their semi-aquatic peers with some species diving to depths of nearly 400 meters. That is a “number fact” about sea lions.