#42: Multiplying Cheese and Milk

This mini spark is about fractions and multiplying cheese and milk.

Spark your math thinking!

1. Set up your math mini spark recording page: #42: Multiplying Cheese and Milk

2. This is a clip from my absolute favorite Home Improvement episode.  Most of you are probably too young to remember the show, but you can catch re-runs sometimes or find them on You Tube.  This particular episode is related to math and talks about some of the “crazy” rules and words mathematicians use

3.  The steps to multiplying fractions can be confusing.  Watch this video as a reminder. Do the math along with the teacher in the video. mult_fractions




4. Figure out the answer to Jill’s “cheese milk” recipe:  1 1/2 lbs of cheese x 1 1/2 gallons of milk. Record the all of the math and the answer.

5. There are times when a math item can be called different names.  In the video above, they called mixed numbers, compound fractions. My favorite math word is radical! It can also be called root symbol. I like it so much I had a shirt made! Do a little research and find some math terms that go by more than one name.

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6. Share your math mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY  coordinator.

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