#66: What Melts in the Sun?

This summer was HOT!! There were even stories about eggs frying on a sidewalk. This makes you think….what ordinary items might melt in the sun? Do an experiment to find out.

Spark your thinking!

1. Set up your early enrichment mini spark recording page: #66: What Melts in the Sun?

2. Ask your parent or guardians permission first before you start.

Experiment steps

1. Set up your recording page with three columns and 12 rows.

2. Put a title at the top of each column

Object           Do you think it will melt?               Did it melt?

3. Find a muffin tin.

4. FInd 12 ordinary household items that make you ask….”Does this melt in the sun?”

5. Take a picture of your tin. Add it to your recording page.

5. Write those items down on your recording sheet.

6. Decide if you think the item will melt. Write YES or NO for each item.

7. Choose a day where the temperature is at least 85 degrees.

8. Put your muffin tin with the items in the full sun and wait at least 20 minutes.

9. I know it’s hard to wait 20 minutes, but you can do it!!! After the 20 minutes is up, go check on your results!

10. Fill in the column with the results of your experiment.

11. Take a picture of the tin and the items. Add it to your recording page.

12. Now, for the most important step:  CLEAN UP AND PUT THINGS BACK!

3. Share your science mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator. We can’t wait to see it!

Lesson adapted from: https://frugalfun4boys.com/simple-science-experiment-for-kids-what-melts-in-the-sun/


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