#82: The Story Spine!

We are all storytellers. Good storytelling involves captivating an audience through the effective use of narrative elements, such as compelling characters, vivid imagery, and an engaging plot.

Spark your thinking!

  1. Set up your language arts mini spark recording page: #82: The Story Spine!
  2. Watch this video Pixar in a Box: Introduction to Storytelling. Pause the video to record 5-10 ideas about storytelling and what is needed to make a good story.


3. Watch this video about the story spine. Write the story spine prompts on your recording page.


4. Use a story you have just read or a story suggested by your teacher. Use the story spine template and fill it in for your story.

5. OPTIONAL: Create your own story idea using the story spine prompts.

6. Share your language arts mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.

Check out the Pixar in a Box badge on the EY website

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