# 87: Literary Device Lesson- Short Story Challenge

In this mini spark you will write a short story with a beginning, middle, and end.  Your story will be short-only 10 sentences! You will use literary devices as well. Get started on your short story challenge!

Spark your thinking!

1. Set up your Language Arts mini spark recording page: # 87: Literary Device Lesson-Short Story Challenge

2.  Look over this slideshow about the literary devices you will use for this challenge. Record each literary device and an example for each one on your recording page.

3.  Read this challenge activity written by Brian Tolentio. There is a also a sample story to read. You can print this page as a reference if you would like.

Write this on your recording page


3 & 4 – SIMILE


7 & 8 – METAPHOR


4. Write your 10 sentence story on your recording page.

5. Share your Language Arts mini spark recording page with your and visual with your teacher/EY coordinator.


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