Category Archives: SEL Resources
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Website for Parents
SENG (Supporting the Emotional Needs of the Gifted) is a nonprofit network of people who guide gifted, talented, and twice-exceptional individuals to reach their goals intellectually, physically, emotionally, socially, and spiritually.
THe SENG website is loaded with resources to help parents and educators guide gifted children. By joining SENG, members can register for online SENGinars, join a parent support group, and have access to the SENG library.
Book Recommendations
Gifted Kids Survival Guide: 10 and Under
Gifted Kids Survival Guide: Teen Handbook
Written with help from hundreds of gifted teenagers, this handbook is the ultimate guide to surviving and thriving in a world that doesn’t always value, support, or understand high ability. Full of surprising facts, step-by-step strategies, practical how-tos, and inspiring quotations, featuring insightful essays contributed by gifted teens and adults, the book gives readers the tools they need to understand giftedness, accept it as an asset, and use it to make the most of who they are. Teens learn the facts about giftedness, including:
- what “giftedness” means (and doesn’t mean)
- the truth about IQ, tests, and testing (and four reasons why tests can’t be trusted)