Hello! Here are some updates from EY
I will be at PL on Wed from 5:45-7:45
Swanson on Thursday from 10-12
Please email if you would like to set up a phone conference.
Battle of the Books- I am doing my slides checks each time that we meet. I am excited to see the work done by the students, and I am also thrilled to see that there are so many children that have already read several books and completed activities! I attached the graphic organizer link here if you want to have a visual at home to help keep the kids organized. They all have one and they are keeping it in the EY folder.
We learned how to use Haiku Deck a few weeks ago. It is a great way to showcase what the students have learned. The students explored Snapple facts, and conducted research to determine if the “facts” were true or false. You can ask your child to share this presentation with you-they are fun to see!
Each child took a Spelling bee qualifying test. The contestants will be released on Wednesday of this week. There will also be qualifying tests given in the next few weeks for the following events: Trivia Contest and Geography Bee
I have made sure that all children can log into KHAN and know how to navigate the site. The math portion of Khan is wonderful, but there are also many other learning areas that the children can access.
I am so in love with Wonderopolis. Please check it out. This site is so fun to explore and the children have unlimited learning all in one spot.
Enjoy the long weekend coming up! Please drop me a note with any questions and comments.