#45: Khan Academy Reading Course

Inside Khan’s Grade 2-10 reading & vocabulary courses, you’ll find: several units, each with a mix of practice exercises, fun and insightful video instruction, and vocabulary articles.

Spark your thinking!

1. Set up your language arts mini spark recording page: #45: Khan Academy Reading Course.

2. The courses are set up in units and each unit has several lessons.

3. Choose the grade level that fits you. If you need help deciding, ask your teacher to help.


4. On your recording sheet, add the grade level you choose.

5. If you want, you can take the course challenge before you start (pre-test). When doing the course challenge, if you don’t know an answer, just click skip and move on.

6. To earn this mini spark complete at least 3 lessons. Add your lesson scores to your recording page.

7. Would you recommend this learning resource to other students? why or why not. Please record your opinion on your recording sheet.

OPTIONAL: Khan Academy also has a grammar section for you to explore.

8. Share your language arts mini spark recording page and visual with your teacher/EY coordinator.


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