These little creatures have it all figured out. In this mini spark, learn more about how insects breathe without lungs.
Spark you thinking!
1. Set up your science mini spark recording page: #9: How Do Insects Breathe?
2. Check out this Newsela article called “How Insects Breathe” to start building your background information about this topic. Record several details from each of the sections on your recording sheet.
3. Watch this video. On your recording sheet, add 5 facts from the video.
4. This short article about ants will give you an idea about how oxygen circulates in insects and humans breathe differently. Take notes on your recording sheet.
5. What is interesting about the way pill bugs breathe? Look over this page about pill bugs to find the answer. Record your response on your recording page.
6. Share your science mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.
Check out the Bug Breathing Badge at the EY website.