Series and Parallel Circuits

In order to participate in the circuit mini-course with Mrs. Spady, please watch the following 2 videos and answer the questions on a separate piece of paper or email your answers to me.

Video 1:

The numbers before the question tell you what time in the video when the question is answered.

  1. 00:30-What component is represented by the jagged line in the diagram?  Choose One:  Battery, Resistor, or Diode
  2. 00:40-If there is more than one loop that the electricity can take, what kind of circuit is it?  Choose One:  Series or Parallel
  3. 02:59-What happens in a series circuit when another light bulb is added?  The light becomes  brighter or dimmer (Choose One)
  4. 3:30-In order for a series circuit to work, all components need to be connected.  Choose One:  True or False
  5. 04:13-Let’s say you’re using a 3 Volt battery and 2 lights in a series circuit.  One light measures 1.5 Volts.  What does the other one measure?  Choose One:  1.5 Volts, 3 Volts, 4.5 Volts
  6. 06:15-What happens when you remove a light bulb from a parallel circuit that has 2 light bulbs?

Video 2:

  1. 00.38-What is the part of the light bulb that actually lights?  Choose One: Filament, Wire, or Electron
  2. 00:58-What is flowing through this circuit (the tiny balls moving in the video)?  Choose One:  Protons, Neutrons, Electrons
  3. 01:07-What would happen if the wire was not connected to the positive side of the battery?
  4. 02:14-Electricity will follow the path of least resistance.  Choose One: True or False


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