#2: Shadow Science 

Learn about shadows, including what they are and how they form. Discover the way solid objects block light to form shadows and how shadows can change shape when the light source changes

Spark you thinking!

1. Set up your science mini spark recording page: #2: Shadow Science

2. How are Shadows formed? Watch this video. Record all of the vocabulary words tha pop up on your recording sheet. If it is a new word for you, write a short definition as well.

3. Shadow puppetry is the art of using the shadows of puppets to entertain the audience. Research this art form at Wonderopolis and make a fact page about its history. Add a picture of your project to your recording page.  

4. A long time ago, people observed the way shadows were formed by the sun and utilized this principle in making the world’s most primitive clocks, the sundials. Learn about sundials. Take notes about the process on your recording sheet.

5. Share your science mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.

Check out the Shadow Science Badge at the EY Website.

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