#50: STEAM Challenge: Roller Coaster

Roller coasters are all about physics! Unlike most moving vehicles, cars, trains, and buses that rely on engines, roller coasters rely on gravitational potential energy. What goes up, must come down.

1. Set up your STEAM mini spark recording page:#50: STEAM Challenge: Roller Coaster

2. For this mini spark, you will be building your own roller coaster.  Visit the Instructables website linked below to find templates you can print and cut out.  Or, use your own materials and come up with your own design.  Get creative and don’t forget to take pictures to document your progress.

3. Go to the Instructable website and read the information from the top to the bottom. Record examples of potential and kinetic energy on your recording sheet.

4. On your recording page, make a list of the supplies you will need. If you need help getting supplies talk to your EY coordinator.

5. Print out this template. If you want to used colored paper, talk to your EY coordinator about getting some to use.

6. Complete all of the steps. Take at least 5 pictures of your process.

7. Take a picture and a video of your challenge.

8. Add all of your pictures to your recording sheet. If you would like to make Pic Collage of your challenge that is great.

9. Share your STEAM mini spark recording page and your video with your teacher/EY coordinator.

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