#84:  The Incredible Octopus

Octopuses possess the capability to tackle challenges, acquire knowledge through watching others, and even utilize tools – similarly to humans. However, what makes the intelligence of octopuses truly remarkable is that it arises from a biological framework that is entirely unlike our own.

Spark your thinking!

1. Set up your language arts recording page: #84:  The Incredible Octopus

2. Watch this TED Ed video.  Record 5-10 interesting details from the video on your recording page.

3.  Listen to the story Inky the Octopus. The story is written in a poem format. Record the rhyming sets of words as you listen.

4. Look over these reminders about how to write a diary entry.

  • Written in the first person
  • Includes the date and/or time it was written
  • Starts with ‘Dear diary,’
  • Include an introduction to set the scene
  • Signed with the writer’s name
  • Writes events in the past tense
  • Tell events in chronological order
  • Include personal emotions and feelings

5.  Imagine you are Inky the octopus living in the aquarium. Write a 6+ sentence diary entry for the day you planned your escape. Describe what you saw, how you felt, and the challenges you faced. Don’t forget to include the details of your successful escape into the ocean. Check the reminder list before you start.

6. Share your language arts mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.

Use steps 2 and 4 from this mini spark to get a start on a new badge! Check out the Inky the Octopus badge at the EY Website.

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