#15: Juliette Gordon Low

Inventor, Juliette Gordon Low, or as her friends called her, “Daisy,” was like the superhero of Girl Scouts, zooming around with courage, confidence, and character! In 1912, she waved her magic wand and created Girl Scouts of the USA, where girls could gather to unleash their amazing powers in STEAM—science, technology, engineering, arts, and math! Just like a science experiment gone right, she turned her dream of girls teaming up to celebrate their strengths into a fantastic reality!

Spark your thinking!

1. Set up your STEAM  mini spark recording page: #15: Juliette Gordon Low

2. Watch this video to learn about Ms. Low. Take notes on your recording sheet.

3. Read and examine all of the pages on these sheets which share Ms. Low’s patent for a liquid container made out of paper.  How do the different labels and figures help understand the drawings.

4. Print page 2 of this information sheet. Work on the folding project. Reminder: You will need to study the patent drawing page to find the steps.

5. Now add your own creativity! Think of 3 new uses for this invention.

6. Take a picture of your product and your three ideas and add it to your recording page

7. Did you know that Juliette Low also has a Design Patent? It may look familiar to you. It is the inspiration for many trademarks utilized by Girl Scouts of America. Study this image. Do some research to find out what a design patent is. Record your findings on your recording page.

8. Share your STEAM mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.

Check out the Kids Invent Stuff Badge the Problem Solving Invention Badge at the EY website.

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