#52: Cargo Bot Coding

Cargo Bot is puzzle game for iPad designed to introduce programming concepts. In this game, players control a robotic arm to relocate crates to a specified area, aiming to accomplish this in the fewest moves possible. There are five levels of difficulty: Easy, Medium, Hard, Crazy, and Impossible.

Spark your thinking!

1. Set up your STEAM mini spark recording page: #52: Cargo Bot Coding

2. Watch this video until you get to 1:25. Record what the lesson was about on your recording page.


3. Learn about loops starting at 1:26. Record information on your recording page.

4. Go to Mosyle and add the Cargo Bot app to your ipad.

5. Spend 15 minutes coding. After the 15 minutes are up, record where you ended up on your recording page or add a screenshot to your page.

6. Share your STEAM mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.

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