#98 Chocolate Math

Chocolate’s flavor is a combination of sweetness, bitterness, and creaminess that many people find irresistible. We celebrate national chocolate day in July every year. Check out this math mini spark to learn more about chocolate and math.

Spark your math thinking!

  1. Set up your math mini spark recording page: #98 Chocolate Math
  2. Read this Bedtime Math post about the world’s largest chocolate kiss!  Do one of the math questions on your recording page before scrolling all of the way down to see the answer.

A Day for Chocolate

3. Check out this math trick that reveals your age and how many times a week you like to eat chocolate at this chocolate math site. Write about this site?

4. Read about chocolate facts at this site. Create a math data page with all about chocolate. Include at least 8 facts

Fun Facts About Chocolate

5. Share your math mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.

Check out the Chocolate Lessons badge at the EY Website.

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