Another school year has begun and I am left wondering where the summer went and when the snow will begin. I know, WAY to early for that, but it sure seems like time just flies right by!
This is an exciting year for EY as well as the school district! We have made some changes that I am super excited about! I will be working more closely with the teachers to provide enrichment opportunities for all students. This means that I will be in all of the 3-6 classrooms during their E/I (Enrichment & Intervention) times once a week (or every 6 days to be exact :). At that time, I will share ideas and resources for all students to use to explore and enrich their learning experience. EY students will meet with me outside of the classroom in a pull-out setting during their E/I time once a week as well (in addition to the classroom E/I lessons).
Please explore the other areas of this blog site for information on the events & contests, weekly challenges, and other exciting learning opportunities we are offering this year. Please feel free to contact me at any time with questions or thoughts you may have.
Here’s to a wonderful 2014-15 school year!