#29: Bitsbox-Code an App

In this STEAM mini spark you will learn how to sign in to Bitsbox and how to code your own apps. You will learn about the text and stamp commands, as well as how to work with coordinates.

Spark your thinking!

1. Set up your STEAM mini spark recording page:#29: Bitsbox-Code an App

2. Watch this intro video.  On your recording page, record 5 new things you learned about coding.

3. Bitsbox is an online resource. Click this link to get to bitsbox.

4.  Click the sign in with google button to get to your tablet.

5. Go back to the video from step 2 and code “snacks, please”.  You do not need to sign up with your email like he does in the video since you are already logged in with google.

6. After you finish the app, you can modify it with your own stamp, text, and colors.

7. Take a picture of your code and add it to your recording sheet

8. Click this link to get to a few free coding projects provided by Bitsbox. If you would like, you can print them out.

9. Code 3 of the projects. Take a screenshot of your code and add it to your recording page.

10. Share your STEAM mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.

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