#100: Checkerboard Math

Count all the squares on the checkerboard. This is a classic problem you will look at how to solve it using drawings, using patterns, solving a simpler problem, and also how to solve variations of this type of problem that may pop up on math contests.

Spark your math thinking!

1. Set up your math mini spark recording page: #100: Checkerboard Math

2. Print out a  paper copy of a checkerboard.

3. Count all the squares on the checkerboard. Start watching this video. Pause it at 23 seconds. Use your paper copy of the board to help you. Record your answers on your mini spark recording sheet

Hint:  1 X 1 = 64        2 X 2=              3 X 3=

4. When you have a solution click  to watch the rest of the video to see if you have recorded that correct numbers.

5. Solve this second problem written by CEMC math. Print out this board to help you. Record your answers on your mini spark recording sheet. Reminder for your teacher that the solution can be found in the math mini spark folder. 

6.  Share your math mini spark recording page and boards with your teacher/EY coordinator.

You can use step #5 as one of your problems for the Problem of the Week CEMC badge that can be found on the EY badge page.



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