#39: Hexaflexagon DIY

Learn how to make a really fun geometric toy—a Hexaflexagon! There are many types of flexagons. The names of flexagons tell the type of polygon and the number of faces.  Hexaflexagons are paper polygons you will create in this math mini spark. They were first discovered in 1939 by Arthur Stone, who set up a Flexagon Committee to investigate their properties.

Spark your math thinking!

  1. Set up your math mini spark recording page: #39: Hexaflexagon DIY
  2. Add information to your recording page about these shapes from the intro above.
  3. Watch this Vi Hart video. Add  5 math terms from the video to your note taking page.

4. Look over these PDFs that will help you make your own.  Print off the instruction page and the the template. READ IT VERY CAREFULLY BEFORE YOU START.

5. OPTIONAL: If you would  like to try larger puzzle here is a page with instructions and other templates.

6. Snap a picture of your finished project and add it to your recording page.

7. Share your math mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.

Info from: http://www.auntannie.com/Geometric/HexaHexaFlexagon/

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