#48: Literary Device Lesson-Flashback

For this mini-spark, we will focus on the literary device Flashback. Flashbacks in literature are when the narrator goes back in time for a specific scene or chapter in order to give more context for the story. Oftentimes, we see flashbacks in books where the past greatly impacts the present or as a way to start a story off on an interesting note.

Spark your thinking!

1. Set up your language arts mini spark recording page: #48: Literary Device Lesson-Flashback

2. Record this definition on your recording page- A flashback is when the author reveals something that has happened to a character prior to the time the story is taking place. In a flashback, present action in a story is temporarily interrupted so the reader can witness past events; it usually takes the form of memories, dreams, or a story within the story.

3. Watch this clip from Ratatouille where food critic, Anton Ego flashes back to his childhood. Write 2 sentence explaining the flashback.

4. Think about what Anton Ego experienced while having a flashback. Write about a time your tasted or smelled something and experienced a flashback.

Note: If you can’t think of anything, your can write about Anton’s experience in the video clip. What did we learn about in this flashback? How did it help develop his character?

5. Complete this flashback activity. You can print it or put your responses on your recording sheet.

6. Share your language arts mini spark recording page and flashback activity with your teacher/EY coordinator.

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