#53: STEAM Challenge: Mystery Bag

In this design activity, you will use a bag of mystery materials (an assortment of recyclables and other random items) and then a challenge card stating a building challenge to do with those materials. Then you use those “mystery” materials to complete the challenge.  

Spark your thinking!

1. Set up your STEAM mini spark recording page: #53: STEAM Challenge: Mystery Bag

2.  Print out the free mystery bag challenge cards. Cut them apart.

3. Gather 8-12 different materials. You’ll want to be sure the items are varied. Each bag should contain at least one larger item that can serve as a base for the design, and then an assortment of smaller items.

***Tip: it’s more challenging if a teacher/sibling/or parent fills your bag

  • One bag (you can use gift bags, lunch bags, grocery bags, or even large baggies.)
  • Scissors
  • Tape (scotch tape or masking tape)
  • Various kinds of recyclables (cardboard tubes, cardboard, newspaper, aluminum foil)
  • A variety of other materials (paper plates, plastic cups, string, yarn, pipe cleaners)
  • Mystery Bag Challenge Cards (print and cut these if you can)

4. Pick a challenge card. You could put the cards in a container to draw from or place face down on a table.

5. Record your challenge on your recording page. You could also take a picture of the challenge and add it to your page.

6. Complete the challenge on the card using only the materials in your bag. ***Tip: it’s more challenging if you set a timer for 5 or 10 minutes.

7. Take a picture of your challenge and add it to your recording page.

8. Write one about what was easy about the challenge and one sentence about  what was hard.

9.  Share your STEAM mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.

Use this project as your first project mystery bag design challenge badge from the EY website.







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