#105: The Birthday Problem

Spark your thinking!

1. Set up your math mini spark recording page: #105: The Birthday Problem

2.  Watch this video. Write a summary of the birthday paradox to someone who has not heard of it before. Use at least 3 sentences.

4.  Carefully, read this article at Wonderopolis.  Take the wonderword challenge and the did you get it quiz after reading. Record your scores.

5. Watch this video from the beginning. Take notes while watching when they start to do the math around 2:00 and record the percents as well. Continue to take notes. On your recording page, explain why people are not able to answer the birthday problem very easily.

6. Advanced option-Read this lesson at Math is Fun.  Record details as you work through the lesson.

7. Share your math mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.


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