L. Arts Mini-Spark #39: It’s All About the Heart


For many years, the heart was a mystery.  What did it do?  What was it there for?  Let’s learn all about this muscle.


This TEDed lesson will help you investigate how the heart keeps you alive.


 Years ago, people thought emotions came from the heart!  Read this article to find out more about how the heart works.

Show What You Learned

 Choose one of these prompts and respond with 3-5 sentences.

What are some ways to keep your heart healthy?

What are the four chambers of the heart called, and what does each chamber do?

Why was it so difficult for scientists and doctors to figure out what the heart was for?

Take It a Step Further

Create a visual explaining how the heart works.  Include as many details as possible.  Please share this project with your teacher.

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