#11: Video Game Math Problems

I have 120 minions (btw…minions can fly).  Each minion has 50 health.   The archer tower does a big damage on the minion.  The minion loses 38 health.  How much health does the minion have left?

My boys love their video games!  Minecraft, Clash of Clans, Where’s My Water…I can’t keep up with all of them.  One way I don’t go crazy with all the gaming is that I have them write math story problems that go along with the game.  Check out these problems my son Trevor wrote about Clash of Clans:                                                                                                                Image taken from https://www.flickr.com/photos/85217387@N04/8638068371ClashofClans

  1. An army camp can hold 50 spaces.  If a giant takes up 5 spaces, how many giants can fit in that army camp?
  2. I am attacking with 75 barbarians.  I place down 40 barbarians.  How many barbarians do I have left?
  3. I have 20 dark elixir.  If I attack and gain 90 dark elixir, how much dark elixir do I have now?
  4. One of my valkyries hit 2 dark elixir drills.  One drill had 100 dark elixir and the other had 59.  If I already had 1,350 dark elixir, how much do I have now?
  5. I have 10,000 gold and I spend 2,000 gold on walls.  If one wall costs 100 gold, how many walls can I get?
  6. I have 120 minions (btw…minions can fly).  Each minion has 50 health.   The archer tower does a big damage on the minion.  The minion loses 38 health.  How much health does the minion have left?
  7. I have 30,292 gold.  Overnight, somebody attacks me and gains 9,929 gold (that means I lose 9,929 gold).  How much gold do I have now?
  8. I have 1,347 trophies.  In the battle, I gain 25 more.  How many trophies do I have now?
  9. When a clan has 1,962 trophies.  Round this number to the nearest hundred.
  10. In my army camp, I can hold 200 spaces.  A giant level 4 takes up 6 spaces.  I have 2 wallbreakers that each take 2 spaces.  How much space do I have left in my army camp?
  11. A wallbreaker breaks 4 walls at a time.  If there are 6 wallbreakers, how many walls will be blown up?
  12. My clan castle can hold 30 spaces.  TiTi, a clan member, donates 5 lv 5 barbarians.  They take up 5 spaces in all in my clan castle.  How many spaces do I have now?

Spark your math thinking!

  1. Set up your math mini spark recording page: #11: Video Game Math Problems
  2. On your recording page, write 12 creative math story problems to go along with a video game that you like to play.  Make an answer key for your problems as well.
  3.  On our recording page, write the step by step directions for three of your hardest problems.
  4. Answer 5 of the Clash of Clans story problems from above.  Write the number of the problem, show your math and include your answer.
  5. Share your math mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.

7 thoughts on “#11: Video Game Math Problems

  1. Answers to questions 1-5:

    1: 5 giants can fit in that camp.
    2: You have 35 barbarians left.
    3: You now have 110 dark elixir.
    4: You now have 1,509 dark elixir.
    5: You can buy 20 gold walls out of the 2,000, but you can buy 100 out of the 10,000.

  2. 1. 10 giants
    2. 35 barbarians
    3. 110 dark elixir
    4. 1509 dark elixir
    5. 20 walls
    6. 12 health left
    7. 20,363 gold
    8. 1,372
    9. 2000 trophies
    10. 196 spaces
    11. 24 walls
    12. 25 spaces

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