#46: Make Oobleck

1. Set up your STEAM mini spark recording page: #46: Make Oobleck

2. Watch this video. Record the science terms from the video on your recording page. When you see the materials needed to make oobleck, pause the video and record the list on your recording page. Also write a summary of the directions.

3. Gather your materials. Add a picture of your materials to your recording page.

4. Make the oobleck. Take a few pictures during the process and at the end.

5. Record the answers to these questions on your recording sheet.

  • What do fluids and solids do, what determines their shape, and can they be compressed?
  • How is Oobleck like a fluid?
  • How is Oobleck like a solid?

6. Share your STEAM mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.

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