How are smartphones built? What materials are used? Complete this math mini spark and learn more.
Spark your math thinking!
1. Set up your math mini spark recording page: #65: Smartphone Materials
2. Print a copy of this worksheet.
3. Fill in the worksheet as you watch the video. Add a picture of your worksheet to your recording sheet, or include it when you turn in your mini spark.
4. Read some of the statistics about smartphones on this site. Record a question about a statistic that you found interesting.
5. Review this metals in a smartphone infographic. Write 3 compliments and one suggestion that you have that would make it better.
6. Read about the rare earth elements at this page. Create a visual to display 8+ pieces of information about rare earth elements. Add this visual to your recording page.
7. Share your math mini spark recording page and worksheet with your teacher/EY coordinator.
I can’t believe that 349.9 million smartphone users are in the U.S.A.!