#65 Smartphone Materials

How are smartphones built? What materials are used. Complete this math mini spark and learn more.
Spark your math thinking!
  1. Set up your math mini spark recording page: #65 Smartphone Materials
  2. Print off a copy of this worksheet and then click here to watch a video about what smartphones are made of.  Fill in the worksheet as you watch the video.
  3. Read some of the statistics about smartphones on this site.  Record a question about a statistic that you found interesting.
  4. Review this metals in a smartphone infographic.
  5. Read about the rare earth elements on the sites linked below.  Create a Pic Collage, a Keynote presentation, or choose another app to display the information about rare earth elements. http://www.chemicalelements.com/groups/rareearth.html , https://geology.com/articles/rare-earth-elements/ , http://www.rareelementresources.com/rare-earth-elements#.W71imZNKiqA
  6. Share your math mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.

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