#89 Matrices

Matrices are rectangular arrangements of rows and columns. In this mini spark, you will learn about the basics of matrices.

Here are three examples.


Spark your math thinking!

  1. Set up your math mini spark recording page: #89 Matrices

2. Watch the video below and take notes with the teacher and answer the questions that follow. Remind your teacher that the key can be found in the math mini spark folder.

  1. What is a matrix, and how is it defined in the video?
  2. Describe the different ways a matrix can be represented as mentioned in the transcript.
  3. Explain the condition that each row and column must meet in a matrix.
  4. Give an example of a matrix with two rows and two columns, and list its elements.
  5. Why is the arrangement with three elements not considered a matrix according to the video?

3. Watch this second video. Please record at least 5 pieces of information from the video.

4. Share your math mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.

You can extend your learning by completing the Marvelous Matrices badge!

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