#20: Animal Olympians

Welcome to the Animal Olympics, where species compete daily in the wild to thrive and survive.  Different species have adapted different athletic abilities to succeed in their respective environments, from running fast to chase prey to swimming great distances in search of food and safety. Animals are amazing athletes and their performances in the wild are of often above and beyond Olympic caliber. And the medals go to……..

Spark your thinking!

1. Set up your STEAM mini spark recording page: #20: Animal Olympians

2.  Record make a section for each of these categories on your recording sheet.

  • Event #1: The Marathon
  • Event #2: 100 meter sprint
  • Event #3: Swimming
  • Event #4: The high jump
  • Event #5: Weightlifting

3. Read this article and take notes for each event on your recording sheet.

4. This article compares humans to animals. Pick 3 of the examples and record the animal and human details on your recording page.

5. Look over the fastest animals on this document and record the name and one detail on your recording page.

And the medal goes to………

6. Choose an animal not on any of these lists, but who should be! Decide what the category should be, and how this animal beats out all of the other animals to win the gold medal. Be specific and add facts to support your choice. Design the medal for you animal olympian as well. Add all of this to your recording page.

7. Share your STEAM mini spark recording page and your with your teacher/EY coordinator.










One thought on “#20: Animal Olympians

  1. A Cheetah shouldn’t compete in the Olympics. He would beat every animal in the 100 meter dash because he is the fastest land mammal.

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