Category Archives: Learning Opportunities

#27: Explore Elements

The periodic table has been on quite the adventure for over 150 years, like a superhero collecting elements! Now, with 118 different elements, it’s like the ultimate science party where every element has its own dance move. Who knew chemistry could be this much fun?

1. Set up your science mini spark recording page: #15: Explore Elements

2. TED Ed joined forces with the people at Periodic Videos to bring us the what-is-what on each element of the periodic table.

3. Choose an element, watch the video, and on your recording page make a fact page about the element you picked.

4. This is the hydrogen video. You can watch this one, or go to the playlist and choose the one you want.

4. Watch at least 2 videos.

5. Share your science mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.



For this Early Enrichment Mini Spark challenge, create your best snow person/people or creatures. No snow required.

1. Set up your Early Enrichment Mini Spark recording page: 68: SNOW + ENGINEERING = FUN

2. Learn about the engineering behind snow building. Record 5 details on your recording sheet.

3.  Watch these kids creating on snow people that are built out of paper, tape, plastic bags, and newspaper.

3. Build a snow creature. You can build it out of snow if you are doing the mini spark while there is snow on the ground, or you can build it out of materials. Do not buy anything, use materials you have around the classroom or your house.  If you build your snow creature out of materials, if doesn’t have to be as big as the examples in the video unless you want it to be.

4. Take a picture of your project ½ way through and then at the end. Add your pictures to your recording page.

5. Share your STEAM mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.

#67: Flower Power

Spring is in the air! Learn about the blooming power of flowers and then do a hands-on activity creating a blooming flower and card to give to someone special.

Spark your thinking!

1. Set up your early enrichment mini spark recording page: #67: Flower Power

2. Watch this Mystery Science video about how flowers bloom. Record 3 things you learned on your recording page.


3.  Gather needed materials to complete the activity.

  • Crayons
  • Scissors
  • Dot Stickers or Tape
  • Plastic Paper Plate or Bowl

4.  In this activity, you will make a colorful paper flower and a greeting card that they can give to any special person in their life. When placed in water, the paper flower will unfold, appearing to move and bloom in front of your eyes! You may want to use this as a Mother’s Day activity, but you choose who will receive the card, so it can be for anyone special.

5. Print this template single sided. Ask your teacher for help if needed.

6. Follow the step-by-step instructions on the paper.

7. Once your flowers are complete add them to the card.

8. When you give your card, explain that you will need to your place the flowers in water and you can watch them bloom together!

Extension: You can see for yourself how water moves inside a plant. Fill a glass with water and add a few drops of red or blue food coloring. Place a white flower in the glass. Wait a few hours and watch to see what happens. Look closely at the flower petals. What do you notice? Repeat this experiment, but use a stalk of celery or a lettuce leaf. What do you predict will happen?

9. Share your STEAM mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.

#66: What Melts in the Sun?

This summer was HOT!! There were even stories about eggs frying on a sidewalk. This makes you think….what ordinary items might melt in the sun? Do an experiment to find out.

Spark your thinking!

1. Set up your early enrichment mini spark recording page: #66: What Melts in the Sun?

2. Ask your parent or guardians permission first before you start.

Experiment steps

1. Set up your recording page with three columns and 12 rows.

2. Put a title at the top of each column

Object           Do you think it will melt?               Did it melt?

3. Find a muffin tin.

4. FInd 12 ordinary household items that make you ask….”Does this melt in the sun?”

5. Take a picture of your tin. Add it to your recording page.

5. Write those items down on your recording sheet.

6. Decide if you think the item will melt. Write YES or NO for each item.

7. Choose a day where the temperature is at least 85 degrees.

8. Put your muffin tin with the items in the full sun and wait at least 20 minutes.

9. I know it’s hard to wait 20 minutes, but you can do it!!! After the 20 minutes is up, go check on your results!

10. Fill in the column with the results of your experiment.

11. Take a picture of the tin and the items. Add it to your recording page.

12. Now, for the most important step:  CLEAN UP AND PUT THINGS BACK!

3. Share your science mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator. We can’t wait to see it!

Lesson adapted from:


#77: Pandemic Poetry

What Happened When We All Stopped is a children’s book and animated poem by Tom Rivett-Carnac, illustrated by Carla Kreuser and Bee Rivett-Carnac. It explores life after a health pandemic, like COVID-19, from the viewpoint of people at home observing nature. The story suggests that this time of quiet can help the Earth heal and remind us how to live in harmony with nature.

Spark your thinking!

1. Set up your language arts mini spark recording page: #77: Pandemic Poetry

2. Read this article about Jane Goodall.  Record 5 details about her life on your recording sheet.

3. Tom Rivett-Carnac wrote the children’s book What Happened When We All Stopped in partnership with the Jane Goodall Institute. The book, read by Jane Goodall, is about what happens after a health pandemic and how to build back better.  Watch this animated poem.

3. On your recording page, write about what changed from the beginning of the poem to the end and write about your favorite part of the poem.

4. Write a personal reflections about a natural place that feels peaceful. Incorporate sensory images to help the reader understand what it feels like to be there.

5.  Write your own short poem about nature.

6. Share your language arts mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.

Check out the Jane Goodall Badge at the EY Website.

#76: Diary of a Wombat

Wombats are like the adorable couch potatoes of the animal world! These furry little marsupials come in shades of brown, tan, or grey and can grow up to 1.3 meters long!

Spark your thinking!

1. Set up your language arts mini spark recording page: #76: Diary of a Wombat

2. Listen to the story Diary of a Wombat.  Focus on viewpoint, voice, flow as you listen to the story.


3. Explore opposing viewpoints. On your recording page describe the same event from two points of view-Mothball vs. family members.

4. Diary of a Wombat is a humorous text. Identify the various devices Jackie French and Bruce Whatley have used to make this book entertaining. To get you started- What is Mothball describing as a ‘flat, hairy creature? How does this add humor?  Think of a few more examples and add them to your recording page.

5. In literary texts, dialogue plays an important role in character development. However, there is no dialogue in Diary of a Wombat (from Mothball). Analyze the text to glean information about Mothball. How has Jackie French developed Mothball’s character without the use of dialogue? Record your ideas.

6. Mothballs main motive in life is to find carrots to eat. Make a list on your recording sheet of all of the ways he does this.

7. Make a tiny information page about wombats on your recording sheet after reading this National Geographic article.

8. Share your language arts mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.

Check out the Diary of a Creature badge at the EY website.

#100: Checkerboard Math

Count all the squares on the checkerboard. This is a classic problem you will look at how to solve it using drawings, using patterns, solving a simpler problem, and also how to solve variations of this type of problem that may pop up on math contests.

Spark your math thinking!

1. Set up your math mini spark recording page: #100: Checkerboard Math

2. Print out a  paper copy of a checkerboard.

3. Count all the squares on the checkerboard. Start watching this video. Pause it at 23 seconds. Use your paper copy of the board to help you. Record your answers on your mini spark recording sheet

Hint:  1 X 1 = 64        2 X 2=              3 X 3=

4. When you have a solution click  to watch the rest of the video to see if you have recorded that correct numbers.

5. Solve this second problem written by CEMC math. Print out this board to help you. Record your answers on your mini spark recording sheet. Reminder for your teacher that the solution can be found in the math mini spark folder. 

6.  Share your math mini spark recording page and boards with your teacher/EY coordinator.

You can use step #5 as one of your problems for the Problem of the Week CEMC badge that can be found on the EY badge page.



#99: Applications of Mathematics

I didn’t know you needed to know math for that!

Find out how math is used in movie graphics, roller coasters, swimsuit design, and so much more!

Spark your math thinking!

  1. Set up your math mini spark recording page: #99: Applications of Mathematics
  2. Explore this website and find a topic that interests you.
  3. In your math notebook, record the topic title and 1-2 interesting things you learned.
  4. Repeat until you have read and recorded information about 10 math topics.
  5.  Share your math mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.

#98 Chocolate Math

Chocolate’s flavor is a combination of sweetness, bitterness, and creaminess that many people find irresistible. We celebrate national chocolate day in July every year. Check out this math mini spark to learn more about chocolate and math.

Spark your math thinking!

  1. Set up your math mini spark recording page: #98 Chocolate Math
  2. Read this Bedtime Math post about the world’s largest chocolate kiss!  Try one of the math questions on your recording page before scrolling all of the way down to see the answer.

A Day for Chocolate

3. Check out this math trick that reveals your age and how many times a week you like to eat chocolate at this chocolate math site.

4. Read about chocolate facts at this site. Create a math data page all about chocolate.

Fun Facts About Chocolate

5. Share your math mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.

Check out the Chocolate Lessons badge at the EY Website.

#97:The Mysterious Mobius Strip

Möbius strip, a one-sided surface that can be constructed by affixing the ends of a rectangular strip after first having given one of the ends a one-half twist.

Spark your math thinking!

1. Set up your math mini spark recording page: #97 The Mysterious Mobius Strip

2. Watch this introduction video. Record 5 details on your recording sheet.


3. Follow the steps on this site  to make  a Mobius strip.

4. Take a picture after completing your mobius strip and add it to your recording page.

5. On your mini spark page, record interesting ideas from this mini spark.

6. Share your math mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator