Parent/Teacher Conference Information

Hello Again!  I wanted to touch base with you before conferences to tell you that I will not be sending home participation records.  We, the EY Coordinators, have decided that our blogs will be more than enough information and that the participation records would be somewhat redundant.  I will be checking to be sure that everyone is able to access the EY

Blog and if we need to send copies home, I will do that.  This tool is so easy to use and I think I will keep you more in the know than the participation records ever did.  I hope this is acceptable to you.  Please feel free to voice your opinion as a blog comment or in an email.

I also wanted to comment on the Daily Challenge.  Each day, at the beginning of class, I post a short problem for the students to solve.   These may be math related or language arts brain teaser sorts of puzzles.  The students are required to write the problem down in their notebook and try to solve before our next meeting.  We go over the answers the next time we meet.  At the end of each quarter, I will look at their notebooks to check for completeness and award a certificate and a small treat for those that are done.  I have just starting looking over the first quarter ones and I am impressed by their work.  Hopefully, they will keep it up!

I believe all students are now enrolled in the Khan Academy–  They have been pretesting in the math area and just exploring the site.  We won’t spend a lot of class time on this, I just wanted them to have access to this as a resource.  They can always go there and learn something new!  🙂  Their username is their first name, last initial, 66– all together, no spaces, and their password is their 5 digit number that should all know.  Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

That is all for now!  Have a great day!

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