If you head out to any apple-picking adventures in orchards around and in Omaha, you might hear about the legend of Johnny Appleseed. Who was this man? And, did he really exist?
Spark your thinking!
1. Set up your language arts mini spark recording page: #41: Who Was Johnny Appleseed?
2. Read this article to find out some information about Johnny Appleseed. On your recording page, write down 5 notes about his life.
3. Print out a crossword puzzle with words from this story to complete. Add a picture to your recording sheet or save it to turn in with your mini spark recording page.
4. Watch this news clip about Johnny Appleseed. Write a few sentences about what you learned.
5. Choose two of these prompts and write a two sentence response for each on your recording sheet.
- What have you learned from the legend of Johnny Appleseed?
- Johnny Appleseed was also known for his kindness to animals. What animal do you value, and why?
- In your opinion, what is the best form to enjoy an apple? Why?
- Johnny Appleseed slept outside under the trees. Have you ever slept outside? Write about an experience when you did not sleep in your bed.
- Johnny Appleseed is a legend and known for his good deeds. What would you like to be known for throughout your life?
- If you could travel around planting seeds, where would you go and why?
6. Share your language arts mini spark recording page and visual with your teacher/EY coordinator.