L. Arts Mini-Spark #11: Wondering about Geography?


Image result for wonderopolis imagesideviceinthemtns.blogspot.com

Are you curious about geography?  Inquisitive about the world around you?  Or want to prepare for the upcoming Geography Bee?  Check out the Wonderopolis website for Wonders all about the world around us.  There is a social studies section you can explore or check out the specific Wonders below that will get your brain thinking about all things geography!

Wonderopolis Wonders #:  644, 74, 897, 1557, 1123, 692, 1547, 718, 1064, 1143, & 1229

After reading, check out the “Wonder Words,” take the “Test Your Knowledge” quiz, or fill out Wonderopolis sheets for the Wonderopolis badge.  You could also pick out your favorite wonder and do further research on the topic.  There is much more to be learned after finishing the article!  Create a product to share your learning and be sure to let your EY Coordinator know!

Happy Wondering!


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