#18: Make a flip book

A flip book is a small booklet containing a sequence of images that gradually change from one page to the next. When the pages are turned quickly, they create the illusion of motion.

Spark your thinking!

1. Set up your language arts mini spark recording page: #79: Peter Reynolds

2. Print this instruction page or open it up on your ipad.  Read all of the information.

How does the flip book work? Why 24 pages? What is the patent history for this toy? Record this information on your recording sheet.

3. Watch this video

4.   He outlines several different ideas.  Watch the video to get an idea of how to get started

5. On your recording page write down the materials you will need and the idea you will use for your story.

6. Gather the materials and add a picture to your recording page.

6. If you want to use your ipad for a light source, watch this tutorial

7. Make your 24 paged flip book. Add a picture of some of the pages to your recording page.

8. Have a friend take a video of your flip book in action.

9. Share your STEAM mini spark recording page and video with your teacher/EY coordinator.


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