#20: Take Me Out to the Ball Game

Take Me out to the Ball Game! The baseball/softball season is upon us and what better way to prepare for the fun than by studying the ways in which math is used in these fine sports.

Spark your math thinking!

1. Set up your math mini spark recording page: #20: Take Me Out to the Ball Game

2.  Watch this video about how to calculate batting average. Comment about something new you learned from the video on your recording sheet.


3. Print off this page and calculate batting averages. Worksheet Source: http://baseballhall.org/hall-of-famers/future-eligibles#2017-eligibles

4. Watch this PBS video-Real Life Math Baseball. What math does he discuss in the video? Add several ideas to your recording page.

5. Share your math mini spark recording page and batting average practice sheet with your teacher/EY coordinator.

5 thoughts on “#20: Take Me Out to the Ball Game

  1. I learned that in order to find a batting average you divide the number of hits by plate appearances subtracted by sac flies and balls. If the decimal is more than three numbers you round to the thousandth.

  2. I learned that after you divide your number, you multiply your number by 1000 to get your real average.

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