#74 Fibonacci Fun


The Fibonacci Sequence

1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55…

The Fibonacci Sequence is a simple sequence of numbers that anyone can learn!  This Math Minute has you exploring some Fibonacci Fun.

How can I spend my math minutes?
  • The list above includes the first 10 terms of Fibonacci’s Sequence.  Write out the next 10, 20 (or more) terms by adding the 2 previous numbers (i.e. the next Fibonacci number is 34 + 55 which is 89).  Yes, I’m aware you can just find a website that lists out the Fibonacci numbers so all you have to do is copy them down, but instead of copying them down, practice your basic math skills and DO the math yourself!
  • “Too much of the mathematics we learn in school is not effectively motivated.” ~Mathemagician Arthur Benjamin Watch his TED Video about the Magic of Fibonacci Numbers at https://youtu.be/SjSHVDfXHQ4
  • Watch this Numberphile video about Random Fibonacci Numbers.  Then, try the activity he explains in the video using a coin.  My sons Toby and Trevor and I recorded ourselves doing the activity here: https://youtu.be/51K6TKbUGXk
  • Read about the Fibonacci Sequence at Math is Fun and leave a comment about something new you learned.

Image of Golden Spiral: “Fibonacci” by Sam Felder is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

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