The first quarter has passed so quickly. We have accomplished a lot but it seems like we are still treading water. The introduction of the iPad has impacted the look of EY and I do see the bigger picture. I believe the students will become more comfortable with all of the opportunities that are available to them. I have already seen growth in their independence and being invested in their learning. I really want to encourage them to pursue their interests and challenge themselves to be a life long learner.
We have several events to look forward to in the next few weeks; the spelling bee, a quiz bowl and then the geography bee. Our focus for the 2nd quarter will be on culture. We will be exploring current events and reflecting on our own experiences and how they have impacted our lives. Your child may be asking for input from you.
Once again, I encourage you to explore the blog There is a lot inside if you have time to navigate around it. We did have a little glitch yesterday when all we had put on there since Sept. 1st was lost. You have to love technology. 🙂 But, we will forge ahead and embrace this new educational tool. I really do believe it will enhance student learning.
I hope to meet with most of you at conference time during your scheduled time. I will be at Sunset on Wednesday and Loveland on Thursday this quarter. If you would like to schedule a separate time, please email me and I will be glad to meet with you. Thanks so much!