All posts by lspady

Rubber Band Contest

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This contest will S – T – R – E – T – C – H your imagination!  This contest challenges students in grades 5-8 to design and create a working invention that incorporates at least 1 rubber band.

You can read about the official rules by clicking here.

More information about the divisions and prizes can be found here.

Entries must be postmarked by March 16, 2015

Westside Community Schools does not sponsor or endorse the organization or activity described here.  The sharing of this information is provided as a community service.

Coder Dojo Registration is Open

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Get your coding skills on by signing up for the October and November Coder Dojo sessions.

CoderDojos are a global movement of open source coding sessions led by volunteer mentors from education and industry. Kids learn how to creatively code at their own pace in a fun, relaxed environment. CoderDojos are FREE to attend, and the only rule is be cool!

Image taken from:

Westside Community Schools does not sponsor or endorse the organization or activity described here.  The sharing of this information is provided as a community service.

The Fall Festival


You are in charge of the Fall Festival at your school.  What attractions will you offer to fit the theme (and keep costs reasonable), and how can you get students, parents, and the rest of the community excited about this upcoming event?

Go to this website and check out this challenge.  Be sure to use the student resources at the bottom of the page.

You can create a flyer for your festival or a commercial that you record!  Use your imagination and create an exciting day for your school and community!

Share your product with your EY Coordinator!  We would really like to put some examples in our student showcase!

First Quarter Flies By in a Flash!!



The first quarter has passed so quickly.  We have accomplished a lot but it seems like we are still treading water.  The introduction of the iPad has impacted the look of EY  and I do see the bigger picture.  I believe the students will become more comfortable with all of the opportunities that are available to them.  I have already seen growth in their independence and being  invested in their learning.  I really want to encourage them to pursue their interests and challenge themselves to be a life long learner.

We have several events to look forward to in the next few weeks; the spelling bee,  a quiz bowl and then the geography bee. Our focus for the 2nd quarter will be on culture.  We will be exploring current events and reflecting on our own experiences and how they have impacted our lives.  Your child may be asking for input from you.

Once again, I encourage you to explore  the blog  There is a lot inside if you have time to navigate around it.   We did have a little glitch yesterday when all we had put on there since Sept. 1st  was lost.  You have to love technology.  🙂  But, we will forge ahead and embrace this new educational tool.  I really do believe it will enhance student learning.

I hope to meet with most of you at conference time during your scheduled time.  I will be at Sunset on Wednesday and Loveland on Thursday this quarter.   If  you would like to schedule a separate time, please email me and I will be glad to meet with you.   Thanks so much!

Rhyme Out

It’s rhyme time with a triple twist!

Rhyme Out is a game where you listen to three consecutive clues and the answers all rhyme!  For example…here are the clues:

A lamp cover

The sharp end of a knife

A twisted hair style

Remember, the answers all rhyme.  Think you’ve got it?  Did you say shade, blade and braid?  If you did, way to go!

4th graders at Swanson and Westgate made up their own Rhyme Outs using Explain Everything and Pic Collage on the iPads.  Check these out!  Leave a comment if you know the answers.


Central High’s Chess Tournament

Calling all chess players grades K through 12!


The 14th Annual Omaha Central High Chess Tournament is on Saturday, November 22, 2014 from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm.

Registration fee is $5.00 if received by November 15th.  Registrations turned in after the 15th are $8.00 or it costs $10.00 at the door.

Click here for the registration form.

Westside Community Schools does not sponsor or endorse the organization or activity described here.  The sharing of this information is provided as a community service.